Adult Titles

Books for adults from our authors



Night’s Gift
by Mary M. Cushnie-Mansour

Will Virginia ever be free from the vampire world she has landed in, where the undead are so alive!


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Night’s Gift eBook
by Mary M. Cushnie-Mansour

Will Virginia ever be free from the vampire world she has landed in, where the undead are so alive!


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Night’s Children
by Mary M. Cushnie-Mansour

Virginia knows she is living on borrowed time––Count Basarab will return one day for his son!


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Night’s Children eBook
by Mary M. Cushnie-Mansour

Virginia knows she is living on borrowed time––Count Basarab will return one day for his son!


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Night’s Return
by Mary M. Cushnie-Mansour

The riveting conclusion to the Night’s Vampire Trilogy. The players. The games. Where will it all end?


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Night’s Return eBook
by Mary M. Cushnie-Mansour

The riveting conclusion to the Night’s Vampire Trilogy. The players. The games. Where will it all end?


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Night’s Temptress
by Mary M. Cushnie-Mansour

Seventeen years later, the daughter of Count Basarab and Virginia is all grown up, and she is a storm to be reckoned with.


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Night’s Temptress eBook
by Mary M. Cushnie-Mansour

Seventeen years later, the daughter of Count Basarab and Virginia is all grown up, and she is a storm to be reckoned with.


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Night’s Betrayals
by Mary M. Cushnie-Mansour

“Night’s Betrayals” opens a can of worms for the vampire leader, Count Basarab Musat, and it is one that will not be so easily dealt with…


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Night’s Betrayals eBook
by Mary M. Cushnie-Mansour

“Night’s Betrayals” opens a can of worms for the vampire leader, Count Basarab Musat, and it is one that will not be so easily dealt with…


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Night’s Revelations
by Mary M. Cushnie-Mansour

Basarab is overwhelmed with the situations at hand: Samara’s murder of the homeless man, which is bringing the local police to his door, and the murder of Randy’s wife, Katalin, which demands a trial sure to reveal some of the vampire clans deepest and darkest secrets…


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